Our web series, Maura Pierlot’s Fragments picked up awards Two Awards at the @canbshrtfilmfest at @dendy.au Canberra Centre!
🏆Best TV/Web Series
🏆Best Screenplay
Both Maura and I are incredibly grateful for the acknowledgement and recognition. The achievements of the series would not have been possible without the hard and dedicated work of the incredible cast and crew and belongs to you all too.
Joshua Koske ( @joshuakoske )
Carl Emmerson
Matt J. Thompson ( @matthewjthompson )
Julia Faragher ( @juliaperture )
Declan Shrubb ( @declanshrubb )
Denai Gracie ( @dgracieoz )
Anthea Staats ( @anemone_thunderbird )
Shelly Higgs ( @shiggs_author )
Creative Producer: Pierlot (@maurapierlot )
Associate Producer: Miguel Gallagher ( @miguelpgallagher )
Production Design: John Silvestro ( @john.silvestro )
DoP/Colourist: Miguel Gallagher
1st AD: Zac Bridgman ( @zacbridgman )
Supervising Editor: Rafael Perez ( @rperezmejia )
Composers: Camilo Gonzalez ( @milogonzo )
Dan Poole ( @pooleymusic )
Tom Bryson ( @tom_bryson )
Linda Chen ( @unromanaclef )
Ankush Khanchi
Jade Breen ( @jade_breen )
Rahel Alemseged ( @rahelalemseged )
Brendan Kelly ( @brendankellyactor )
Erin Pierlot ( @erinpierlot )
Zane Menegazzo ( @zane.menegazzo )
Luke Patterson ( @luke.patterson.2617 )
Elisa Heath ( @lis.heath )
John Waterhouse ( @john__waterhouse )
Shane Marion ( @shanemeow )
Andrew Bromwich ( @a.j.bromwich )
Aaron King ( @aaron.m.king.7 )
Steph Jewell ( @stephjewell_photos )
Tom Fiander ( @tom_fiander )
Elise Mcmillian
Lyndsey Turnball ( @thisislyndsey23 )
Angus French ( @angus_french )
Stuart Henderson ( @stu.hendo )
Kyneshia Murray
Nat Mahler ( @nat_mahler )
Olly Richie ( @ollyritchie )
Nicole Hadfield ( @niixmakeupartistry )
Asheesh Saxena
Frances Adams
Mikey J Watson ( @vampyres_suck )
Nathan Gounden ( @unoriginal_nathang )
Conor Joyce
David Sanguineti
